
Technology Cards are the basis of the Godus game as it allows your followers to progress through the various Time Periods of the game.

These can be gained in numerous ways from reaching certain Periods in the Scrapbook, through playing the Mount of the Gods and by reaching certain Milestones.

Some cards require a differing amount of Resource Cards to unlock them.

Science Cards[]


Gained: Mount of the Gods.
Unlocked: 2 Ochre, 3 Flint, 2 Sandstone.
Effect: Advanced House Details
Description: Buildings first evolved from basic needs such as shelter, security and materials available. Later humans put more emphasis on the aesthetic nature on their Abodes.


Gained: Mount of the Gods.
Unlocked: 2 Candle, 2 Kindling, 2 Animal Fur
Effect: Day and Night Cycle.
Description: In many early civilizations calender systems were developed. The Sumerian calender (c.2000BC) based on 12 lunar months of 29 or 30 days is considered the origin of today's Gregorian calendar. The first recorded calendar was a lunar calendar in Aberdeenshire, Scotland dating from around 8000BC.


Gained: Mount of the Gods.
Unlocked: 18 Ink, 12 Papyrus.
Effect: 10% Extra Influence Areas..
Description: Map making dates back to the earliest known civilizations. Wall paintings from Catal Hoyuk in southern Turkey (approx. 7500-5700BC) show an approximation of the city. From the Minoans, Babylonians and the Ancient Greeks and Roman there are examples of maps of the known world.

Construction Card

Gained: Reaching 30 Population.
Unlocked: 2 Timber, 1 Felt.
Effect: Abodes Upgraded. Buildings now provide Faith.
Description: Once humans began to settle, permanent structures became a way of life. Tent-like structures transformed into small wooden or mudbrick houses. The most common form of early human abodes around 5000BC were wooden longhouses. Often these houses would consists of one large room housing both people and livestock.


Gained: Reaching 1300 Population.
Unlocked: 3 Coal, 2 Plaster, 3 Pick Axe.
Effect: Decreases Built Time for Abodes.
Description: By taking pride in their work, humans developed expertise at various crafts. Becoming more efficient in each discipline led to people taking different roles within their society. Workmanship and craftsmanship were valued human attributes in prehistoric times.


Gained: Reaching Agricultural Period
Unlocked: 2 Seeds, 2 Pick Axes
Effect: Followers can now Farm.
Description:There is evidence of humans farming stretching back over 10,000 years. Farming was an important evolutionary step in human development. Switching from hunter-gathering to cultivating the land allowed humans to have a surplus of food which led to the development of civilization. Early crops ranged from cereal (such as wheat, maize and rice) to Fruit and vegetables (Peas, squash and figs).


Gained: Reaching the Expansion Period
Unlocked: 2 Coal, 3 Pick Axe, 1 Oak.
Effect: Followers can now Mine.
Description: Early civilizations mined stone, clay and metal found close to the surface of the earth. Using primitive tools like flint axes they would find the materials required to create more tools. Ancient Egyptians mined precious minerals and gold for ornamentation.


Gained: Collecting 15000 Wheat.
Unlocked: 12 Leather, 7 Metal Hoe, 6 Seeds.
Effect:Faster Farming.
Description: The plough is a tool in farming for the cultivation of soil. Ploughs were initially human powered, but became much more efficient when powered by animals such as horses and oxen. Early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Indus Valley used domesticated animals to pull simple ploughs known as 'ards'.


Gained: Reaching 1000 Population.
Unlocked: 3 Meat, 3 Kindling.
Effect: Follower Health increased.
Description: For pottery to develop, a civilization must have access to clay and the ability to heat it to sufficient temperatures. One of the most important uses of pottery was in creating ovens. Rather than cooking over open fires it was much more convenient to use clay ovens.

Salt Farming

Gained: Collecting 30,000 Wheat.
Unlocked: 15 Metal Hoe, 5 Platinum.
Effect: Salt Farming on Beaches.
Description: None


Gained: Mount of the Gods.
Unlocked: 12 Leather, 8 Copper, 3 Animal Furs
Effect: Increased Follower Speed.
Description: Early humans used animal skins as a protective layer. The earliest evidence of shoes dates back to around 7000BC, but it is possible types of footwear existed long before that. Due to the highly perishable nature of the materials used evidence no longer exists.

Specialized Labour

Gained: Reaching the Proficiency Period
Unlocked: 16 Seeds, 6 Leather, 3 Papyrus.
Effect: More Farmers in Fields.
Description: Historically cooperating individuals would work together to perform common tasks. Labour was divided between members of society and they permanently specialized in those activities. This would lead to hierarchy and is the birth of the complex societies that we know today.

Terrace Farming

Gained: Collecting 20,000 Wheat.
Unlocked: 11 Seeds, 6 Granite, 13 Metal Hoe.
Effect: Increased Mountain Fertility.
Description: Terrace farming is where a sloped piece of land is cut into a series of flat platforms. Terrace farming decreased erosion and allows techniques such as irrigation where otherwise water would just flow away. It has been widely used in Southeast Asia for centuries in farming paddy fields of rice, wheat and barley.

Faith Cards[]


Gained: Reaching 70 Population.
Unlocked: 2 Ochre, 2 Stone.
Effect: Followers now have Commandments.
Description: Followers have watched you over the development of their civilization and have started turning your actions and behavior into rules to live by.


Gained: Constructing first Abode.
Unlocked: Automatically
Effect: People begin to believe in you.
Description: The earliest human religions n be dated back to about 3000BC. Writing also dates from this time, when humans started to record history. It is extremely likely that religious beliefs were held before that time. Evidence of ceremonial burials and symbolic artifacts suggest that humans have upheld faiths since the dawn of man.

Society Cards[]


Gained: Not Yet Available
Unlocked: 16 Ink, 12 Copper, 7 Papyrus
Effect: Increased beauty effect of nearby trees.
Description: Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy dealing with the appreciation of beauty.


Gained: Collecting 10,000 Wheat.
Unlocked: 1 Gold, 12 Papyrus, 9 Kindling.
Effect: Increased Settlement Belief.
Description: As society became more structured and civilized, the basics of politics started to form. There is evidence of political centers establishing in Bronze Age civilizations around the world. Debate is a broader form of deductive reasoning where both sides of the argument are put forward, usually in an assembly.


Gained: Reaching 380 Puopulation.
Unlocked: 6 Felt, 1 Meat, Candle.
Effect: Increased Birth Rate,
Description: Early humans lived in family units. If fact most early tribes consisted solely of the same extended family. However as the tribes got bigger and the social structure became more complex, households started to resemble modern nuclear families consisting of the two parents caring directly for their own children.


Gained: Reaching Conquest Period.
Unlocked: 2 Oak, 3 Stone, 3 Mudbrick.
Effect: Size 5 Abodes.
Description: New materials allowed bigger construction. By transitioning from hunter-gatherers to a lifestyle of agriculture, early humans were able to support larger populations.


Gained: Resource Chests
Unlocked: 1 Felt.
Effect: Size 2 Abodes.
Description: Early hunter gatherers needed temporary shelters that protected them against the elements and allowed them to leave the confines of caves. The felt formed a very tough protective barrier around a wooden frame. This strength meant bigger tents could be built.The most well known type of felt is a yurt, a large circular tent traditionally used by nomads of Central Asia as early as 1000BC.


Gained: Reaching 2100 Population.
Unlocked: 3 Mudbrick, 3 Clay, 1 Mahogany.
Effect: Size 6 Abodes.
Description: As technology and building material advanced, bigger and more complex structures could be created. From towers to tombs and temples, humans were building more and more impressive buildings, however the majority of the population were still living in simple modest dwellings.


Gained: Reaching 220 Population.
Unlocked: 4 Timber, 3 Plaster, 1 Clay.
Effect: Siza 3 Abodes.
Description: Mudbrick or abode clay ad straw houses are more common in warmer climates, especially in areas where timber is hard to come by. The Ramesseum (c.1200BC) in Egypt is one of the impressive examples of mudbrick construction however there are records of this type of construction stretching mack to 7000BC.


Gained: Collecting 5000 Wheat.
Unlocked: 4 Gold, 12 Copper, 4 Meat.
Effect: Decreased Settlement cost.
Description: As humans started to gather in larger settlements political and administrative bodies started to form. The Sumerian people of ancient Mesopotamia had complex theocratic structure as early as 4000BC, cities would be run by a priest king and assisted by a council of elders.


Gained: Reaching Growth Period
Unlocked: 2 Flint, 2 Stone.
Effect: Settlements
Description: One of the earliest known human settlements was Catal Huyuk in southern Turkey (approx. 7500-5700BC) with an estimated population of almost 10,000. Inhabitants lived in mudbrick houses crammed together forming a mound.


Gained: Reaching 800 Population.
Unlocked: 3 Mudrick, 3 Sandstone, 2 Oak.
Effect: Size 4 Abodes.
Description: It was possible for primitive humans to build quite elaborate stone structures; the temples of Egypt being the most obvious examples. Abodes made from stone were much stronger structurally allowing larger Abodes to be built.

Town Planning

Gained: Collecting 1000 Wheat.
Unlocked: 8 Metal Axe, 5 Platinum, 12 Granite.
Effect: Can move Abodes.
Description: None

Village Gained: Mount of the Gods

Unlocked: 20 Metal Axe, 10 Granite, 5 Platinum.
Effect: Larger Settlements.
Description: None

Military Cards[]


Gained: Mount of the Gods.
Unlocked: 2 Meat, 3 Animal Fur, 2 Gold.
Effect: Increased Multiplayer rewards.
Description: Early warfare was often more ritual designed as a show of courage and masculinity rather then to wipe out an enemy tribe. Warfare of this type is still practiced to this day by some primitive tribes around the world.
